PB American Eel

Sunday, September 24, 2017
After failing to catch flathead bait I decided to throw a ball of crawlers out to try for a sturgeon, and caught this monster 36" eel. I'm in shock, and feeling pretty lucky to have caught this beaut.


Hengelaar's picture

Eels are so rad.

And Eels way up there are just extra rad. Great catch!

Fishn sure is neat

Fishaholicsanonymous89's picture

Yes they are. Thanks! :)
tom's picture

Still waiting for an eel to find my bait. someday...nice fish!

Fishaholicsanonymous89's picture

Thanks! Goodluck, I hope one finds your bait soon :)
Goldenfishberg's picture

OHHH SNAPPPPP!!!!! Amazing! I had a feeling there were gonna be some Eels there

Ya just Can't catch um from the couch.

Fishaholicsanonymous89's picture

Hopefully there's more to come :)
andy's picture

That's a great catch right there.

Fishaholicsanonymous89's picture

Thanks! :)
Graceclaw's picture

Just goes to show that you never know what will happen when you put in some hours and soak some crawlers :)

Fishaholicsanonymous89's picture

Yup, and just when you think you have zero luck BAM, there's a monster eel :)
Dr Flathead's picture

And so begins the beginning of Eel season aka Sturgeon season.  Great slimer there!  Thats a sturdy one for sure.

Fishaholicsanonymous89's picture

'Tis the season!!
FishingPals4Life's picture

Wow, what an amazing catch, we've tried for those many times now, someday, oh yes, someday!! Congrats!!

Fishaholicsanonymous89's picture

Thanks! I hope you get one this season :)
roughfish29's picture


Fishaholicsanonymous89's picture

Haha so dope!