Great Bear Lunker

Thursday, July 13, 2023
46 inches long

Caught my PB Lake Trout twice in 90 minutes during an amazing afternoon at a remote reef on the McTavish Arm of Great Bear Lake during a self-guided trip. Landed a 45' laker using a green and white Flatfish T-60, which was awesome enough. Ended the day with a 46 incher -- this one -- trolling a flourescent red T-60 a short while later. An amazing experience.


andy's picture

Wow Mike, that is an impressive laker.  Look at the head on that thing!

D.T.'s picture

Well deserved Oh face on that one. 

Love that wobble wobble of them flatfish.How deep? I don't know how deep a flatfish will go.  Maybe you were down rigger fishin?

Corey's picture

Super cool. Going to have to pick up some flatfish!

Mike B's picture

Thanks guys! T-60s look great in the water but they suck to fish with. They displace a lot of water which means you're going to have sore arms if trolling with them for any length of time. I actually didn't really get into using them until I the day I caught my two big fish. That was after noticing that my fishing partner (who used T-60s exclusively during our seven-day trip), while not catching nearly as many fish as me while using large spoons and cranks, was generally catching bigger ones.

I was also running a two-ounce weght about six feet ahead of the lure and was hitting bottom at about 17 feet. No downriggers.The fish we're all lurking in deep water at the edge of reefs.

mike b

Moose439's picture

What a monster.

Peeling Line's picture

Awesome catch.