Big ol billy burbot

Saturday, January 4, 2020
31.5 around the almighty ten pounds

Two weekends ago hooked into this lump of a pout. She was plumb full of juevos and ready to make babies. Thanks to the wrecked angler for using his tiger style technique to get her up the hole! My PB burbot by a damn sight! Always a great time catching lawyers with some quality anglers!


tom's picture

Dang dude, Wish I could've made it. If that ain't inspiration to get more into ice fishing, I don't know what is..Congrats on the monster burb. 

andy's picture

What an awesome fish and photo. Congrats!

FP4LifesDad's picture

Congrats buddy, that is a tanker of a lake leopard!!! WOW!

andy's picture

You are hereby granted the Ling King award for catching a burbot of 10 pounds.  

Dude that thing is a whale of an eelpout!

TonyS's picture

beautiful fish and the ever difficult to achive great pic!

Mike B's picture

Fantastic looking fish Goldenfishberg. Burbs get rare after 30 inches.


mike b

angry mongrel's picture

Look at that slippery lady!

"It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees" -Emiliano Zapata

Goldenfishberg's picture

Big ups to Casey for snapping that sweet picture, them iowegians sure can get it done!

Ya just Can't catch um from the couch.

Isaac W's picture

Nice catch

Isaac W

NickP27's picture

Stunning fish man ... quite the sight!

Eli's picture

Wicked lawyer




Peeling Line's picture

Incredible catch.

Graceclaw's picture

I see someone bought some of those 'make every fish look huge' hand gadgets! I'm onto you, Goldy.....

All kidding aside, what a beaut! Thanks for sharing - looking forward to hitting the ice with you at some point soon!